replacement elementary schools

The bond proposal includes the replacement of four elementary schools which were all built in the 1960s and are now more cost effective to replace than renovate.

When the schools were constructed nearly 60 years ago, they were not built in a way that would allow for structural modifications to ensure classrooms meet current standards set by the Texas Education Agency. New campuses will also allow for more safety and security features such as controlled vestibules and keeping students from traversing outside between buildings.

To address deteriorating campus infrastructure, failing mechanical systems, educational adequacy, and equity in learning spaces, a Facility Planning Task Force of citizens recommended replacement of these four schools:

  • Bell Manor Elementary

  • hurst hills elementary

  • wilshire elementary

  • midway park elementary

The district is planning to use the prototype campus that was designed in 2013 for Viridian and has been replicated at Trinity Lakes (2020), Arbor Creek (2020), Oakwood Terrace (2021), and Bellaire (2024). Using the prototype allows the district to save money on design, create equity between campuses, and establish continuity in learning and instructional spaces.

bell manor elementary replacement

Proposed location and rebuild:
Construct New Bell Manor on Current FEW (Forrest E. Watson Center) site.

Learn more about the conversion of the existing Bell Manor Elementary